
Andy - 2007-05-17 02:29:19
You know, that one Scripture (Matthew 16:27) often used to bug me until I read your entry tonight and found out it was a different meaning of the word "works" than I'd thought. Before I learned that "praxis" is the word, meaning "function" or "office" -- kind of like a position, one might say -- it sounded as though we were all going to be judged according to our works. And that would be horrible. I've also often thought, if I had to pay the price for every bad thing I'd ever done, probably all of eternity could not hold enough room to contain the just consequnces, much less would this life alone. So how people can get around the need for Grace is really beyond me, when you look at it in the light. I was working for these people from an off-beat religion (I don't want to say which one online) and you got the feeling they never thought they did anything wrong, and that all these good works were going to get them into heaven. But in reality, they were just blinded to what wrong they would do, and they would justify all kinds of moral errors if they figured everything "looked right." They never copped even to making minor errors like a normal person would. So I'm glad Jesus died for all my sins, and I'm glad He has accepted me, because in my stumblings, I have many times not seen my way clear to do the right thing. Even then, He loved me and had died for me--so how much better just to embrace Him on that account, and love Him, because He first loved us.
Old Jake - 2007-05-17 22:34:22
Amen! Andy, just the thought of repaying for all of my sins� past and future� would be a gigantic burden to carry. I am so happy that Jesus loves us so much he could forgive us of all of that and even forget it ever happened. I compare it to: God looking through the blood of Jesus blinds him from all the sin the blood of Jesus covers. Jesus gives us the right to be called the sons of God by our faith in him! Praise Jesus!
Andy - 2007-05-18 09:24:06
Right on--we've got it so good, compared to people who are still thinking they have to work their way into heaven; or worse, yet, who don't even believe or care. So praise His name: Jesus.

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